Caring for Aging Eyes: Eye Problems to Be Aware Of After 50


As we get older our eyes get aged and tired along with that several problems related to it arise and begin to obstruct our regular life. Such visions arise either from changes in the organ or by respective diseases, and hence healthy visions become essential that prevent further complications permanently. These age-related vision problems are for various reasons; therefore, visits to trusted facilities like the best eye care hospital in Malappuram can ensure timely treatment and care. This blog shall discuss several of the most common eye conditions which usually begin after the age of 50 along with their associated symptoms.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

The most common cause of old age blindness is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). AMD causes a slow degeneration of the retina’s central area, known as the macula. Patients suffering from AMD usually have difficulty in reading, identification of faces, or driving during the night, as they see poorly. Initial signs of early AMD include distorted or wavy lines, difficulty in seeing fine details, and blurry or dimming of the center vision.


Cataracts are a common condition among older adults and involve the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which affects vision clarity. Cataracts can cause blurred or foggy vision, glare, and difficulty seeing at night. People with cataracts may also find it harder to see in bright light and may experience a general yellowing of their vision. This type of cataract develops gradually, and its effects may not be noticed initially, but through time, one may realize they have impaired vision.

Diabetes-Related Retinopathy

It is a complication of diabetes which severely damages the blood vessels in the retina. Fluid or blood leakage from these damaged blood vessels might cause visual impairments over time. Early signs include blurred vision, poor night vision, and spots in the field of vision if not addressed promptly, can cause severe loss of vision or blindness.


Glaucoma is an eye condition that has a buildup of pressure inside the eye that can damage the optic nerve. It is also referred to as the “silent thief of sight” because in most cases, it develops without symptoms at onset. In the later stages, loss of peripheral vision, tunnel vision, or failure to adjust to changes in light can be experienced. Glaucoma is a condition that has to be diagnosed early so that it can be controlled with medication.

Other Common Eye Conditions in Older Adults

Other common eye conditions among older adults include presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness; astigmatism; dry eyes; eye floaters; and flashes of light. Presbyopia occurs when the lens of the eye loses its flexibility, making it difficult to focus on close objects. Astigmatism is a refractive error causing blurry or distorted vision. Dry eyes are quite common and often cause discomfort, redness, or a feeling of grit in the eyes. Floaters are small specks or strands that drift within your line of vision and result from changes within the vitreous humor. Flashes are short, squiggly lights and are more often associated with changes in the retina of your eye.

Many age-related eye conditions after 50 and above can affect vision. Routine eye examinations help in ensuring right time detection, management, and preservation of vision. The best neuro-ophthalmology specialist and treatment in Malappuram would be the best choice for specialized care in the case of eye problems relating to eyes and vision.

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